





I LOVE all cats ~ especially my own (everyone I know would tell you)! I like to spoil them with super-fun toys, tasty treats or sometimes find something for them to make my ‘cat-mom’ life easier. Whenever I find a product that they all LOVE it makes me a fan-girl of that product and know that I can confidently recommend it to all of my cat parent friends and followers.

Come back here often as the list will continue to grow. Oh, and if there is a product or service that I should know about that you personally recommend - let me know!

The Products They Love…


  • OMG! You can now see your cat as a work of ‘living art’ hanging on your wall! This amazing product by ‘Frame Your Feline’ is where your cat will lounge, sleep, clean themselves all while unwittingly posing for you in the FELINE FRAME! The artwork backdrops are interchangeable which means you can change the artwork in seconds - they simply slide in & out. This way you can see your cat differently evet time you swap out the artwork. I predict Instagram will blow up with cats in the Feline Frames soon!!

  • ALL of my cats like to be in the Feline Frame! They took to it as soon as I installed it on the wall! The co-creators of the company (who I interviewed) told me that cats feel like they are enclosed (even though they aren’t) and feel safe in this unique shelf/perch. Or, perhaps the grooved carpeting it comes with feels good on their nails ~ they just LOVE it!

  • I don’t know where to begin… there are so MANY reasons! So, let’s start…

    1) QUALITY
    The quality of the product is outstanding! Hand-made construction out of real wood for the base & top (the shelves) and the Feline Frame is made with actual framing material that professional art framers use. This is NOT a cheap flimsy product.

    2) ARTWORK
    The ability to change out the artwork at any time to see your cat with a different background is FANTASTIC! They have so many images to choose from. In fact you can order a customized artwork panel where you upload your own image and they will print it. BTW - the artwork panels are sturdy, vibrant prints and BIG at 18”h x 23”

    3) THE FRAME
    The Feline Frames are also interchangeable. Which means if I really want to change things up beyond the artwork I can! For example, I currently have the “Contemporary Silver” Feline Frame style. But I can go their website and purchase just the “Gallery Gold” or “Traditional Cherrywood” Feline Frame style in their “Accessories” section (without purchasing the whole unit which they call the “Feline Frame Ensemble”). How cool is that?!

    The ability of a cat product to blur the lines and actually become a piece of home decor can NOT be overlooked. Even when a cat isn’t in the Feline Frame it still functions as artwork on the wall!



  • Tired of scooping? Met too! Meet Litter-Robot 4, the next evolution of the highest-rated WiFi-enabled, automatic, self-cleaning litter box for cats. The software tracks litter and waster drawer levels in real time. The laser and sensor technology detects cats weighing 3+ lbs… sorry kittens, you gotta grow up a bit more!

  • The Litter Robot is always clean, whenever they enter the box. Even with multiple cats, there is no nasty odor. The wide opening is great, even for big cats.

  • The Litter-Robot 4 is super quiet. When you compare the model before this, the Litter-Robot 3 to the older model Litter-Robot 2 you won’t notice a big difference when it comes to the noise level. But now? This one beats them all! I bought my first Litter-Robot in 2005 – their first model. Even then, I felt so lucky: no more scooping.

    And now, with the Litter-Robot 4? In addition to no scooping? There are no odors, no litter tracking due to the fence, no mess, you can monitor the box usage simply from your phone, and it is great for multiple cats. The night light won’t bother you, even if you place the Litter-Robot in your bedroom – the light is subtle. Oh, and no more blue light! The control panel buttons are on the top – so no more bending down.


One Fast Cat

  • There have been more and more tests showing that cats kept inside can become bored and develop cat depression and other psychological problems. These issues can present themselves in many ways such as destroying furniture or not using litter boxes. In field testing our cat wheel has proven to not only enhance the physical well-being of our cats but altered their disposition to be more relaxed and calm.

  • Our cats sometimes like to play in the middle of the night. The cat wheel gives them the opportunity to exercise and get rid of their excess energy. Also, they like to run fast and can’t do that much in the house. On the wheel they can run as much and as fast as they want.

  • When our cats want to play at night, they don’t bug me anymore by throwing (toy) mice in my face. Now they just go and exercise on the wheel to relieve stress. It’s also a great way of keeping them in shape and control their weight.

    The One Fast Cat cat wheel is easy to assemble and easy to clean. It’ s also lightweight in case you want to carry it around.



FURRY TAIL Glam Backpack

  • Very large, waterproof backpack for pets up to 19 lbs. It is breathable and has good ventilation thanks to the mesh. Also, they can view the scenery through the transparent window and from the safety of the box.

  • It’s a box! And they get to go outside! And they feel safe! Do I need to say more?

  • I love taking them for a walkie with me. It’s a little bit of an extra workout with the added weight. Angel and Zeus do like to go with their leash but get bored after a short while and then the backpack is just perfect. Briga loves to sit in it period! It’s lightweight and can be easily folded for a trip.



aivituvin OUTDOOR Cat Enclosure

  • The Air 33 Outdoor Cat house comes with a large balcony so that cats can enjoy the sun. The doors have plastic curtains and asphalt roof, which keeps away rain and wind. The house stays nice and warm inside. The house has a solid wood floor instead of plywood/particleboard. The cat house is spacious with 2 stories and can be a shelter for more than just one cat.

  • Our cats love to play with the door curtains. One is inside, another one outside and they play fetch-the-paw. Also, thanks to the plastic curtains, you can’t really see if a cat is in there so it’s a great hiding spot. And for outdoor use: it’s a great shelter from rain, wind and snow. It stays warm and cozy inside.

  • I added some cozy blankets and with our 5 cats it just gives them one more choice to sleep. The house can be easily cleaned because you can open up the roof and remove the floor panels. Plus, it is totally cute, so I left it inside the house and the cats sit on the roof during the day and look out the window – perfect height.

    The house is easy to assemble. And if you take care of community cats, you can be sure they’ll stay safe and warm outside!



  • The Boss bed is Furrytail’s best seller. It is 360 ° rotatable and has a 30 ° inclination so that the the cats can jump in easily. The detachable fiber pad is easy to clean, environmentally friendly and comfortable. The Boss bed is very sturdy so it doesn’t fall over when they play. It is recommended for cats up to 26 lbs.

  • It’s the BOSS bed! The name says it all! We have 1 of these beds and 5 cats. They take turns, until the BOSS wants it and that would be Zeus. When he wants to lie in it, he shoos them all away. They complain, of course, but what the man wants the man gets. Always has been like that – he IS our Zeus after all.

  • I absolutely LOVE the cool design. I want one for myself! It’s fun to play with the cats when they lie in there because it rotates. The soft fiber pad can be taken out and is easy to clean.